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Monday, 2 April 2012

Morning thoughts

Morning thoughts

I have grown to love the morning.

I usually am not a morning person and find my anxiety is at its highest when I first wake up. I have a tendency to stay in bed, tossing and turning, worrying and fretting. But lately I have forced myself to get up, feed the dogs and cats, enduring their early morning craziness, make the coffee and then when every creature has settled, I sit with a warm cup of coffee and just listen.

I try to use my DBZ skills and check in with myself.

I always hear the birds first, their chirping and tweeting cheer me. I listen to the slow breathing of now quiet dogs, sometimes punctuated by quiet "woofs" as they dream again. Occasionally I hear the chatter of squirrels as they fuss at the birds.

I watch as the world lightens, the sun peeking over the treetops, turning the world golden with promise.

Over the past few weeks, the trees have started to bud, pale green chasing away the winter's starkness.

Sometimes I pray, sometimes I just listen in gratitude.

Grateful to be here, I find the anxiety dissipates leaving me calm and ready to face the day.


  1. I feel ya, I am a morning person too!

  2. i feel as though the days are wasted if i don't get up in the morning

  3. i'm so night a morning person. For some reason the clouds and stars and moon give me the energy to keep going.

  4. Very nice to read. Following as of now (:

  5. Augh, my eyes! Dat template.... Otherwise, I liked the story. :)

  6. love can change the world.

  7. I always loved the fresh smell of mornings but then I got old lol now I dont want to get out of bed til late noon and it sucks im stuck in this awful habit now tried to get out of it, but nothings worked lol, nice post man makes me want to try again.

  8. WI wish I was a morning person. Always better to love something than to hate it.
